Positive Behaviour Support Plans

Actively reinforcing positive behaviours

Positive behaviour support allows our residents to feel secure and to not engage in dangerous behaviours.

Struggling with a mental illness can lead a person to adopt behaviours which have the potential to be harmful, to both themselves and others. Having a support network which encourages you can be the best you can be is one of the best strategies for overcoming this issue. Counteracting harmful behaviours with positive behaviours is the best way to reinforce this.

Positive behaviour support is not a fad but an evidence-based approach. It is proven to be successful in increasing quality of life and reducing behaviours of concern. Positive behaviour support provides a person-centred approach for someone who risks displaying challenging behaviours. It considers a person’s whole life including their history, their physical health and their emotional needs. This can be done by actively assisting a person to live their life the way they want to lead it, while encouraging helpful behaviours to achieve this.


At Caloundra House we reinforce active positive behaviour support plans and incorporate these into the everyday life of our residents. Caloundra House has clear strategies and procedures for safely responding to and managing behaviours of concern. We do this by understanding why our residents use behaviours of concern and adjusting their environment to make such behaviours unnecessary.

We provide positive behaviour support by integrating applied behavioural analysis with the obligation to protect wellbeing and dignity of our residents. Even after being exposed to an improvement in livelihood, through a stable home and community participation, some people may still engage in behaviours of harm or concern. Our positive behaviour support aims to reduce the intensity, frequency and duration of these adverse behaviours.

It is a proactive and preventative approach which teaches new skills to our residents to replace their challenging behaviours.


Over time the harming and challenging behaviours lessen, allowing our residents to be less restricted, and live a freer and more fulfilled life.

As a resident with a positive behavioural support plan, you are more likely to enjoy the other services we have on offer through our assisted living facility. Our caring staff and other residents struggling with similar issues provide a unified front allowing you to feel secure and supported as you embark on positive behavioural changes.

Caloundra House and its staff want to help you or a loved one to display positive behaviours. Please get in touch with us to discuss a Positive Behaviour Support Plan.


Mental Health Support Services

Schizophrenia Support Services

Assisted Living Facility